Monday, March 31, 2014

Google Earth Lesson!

The following lesson was create for the contemporary novel The Sky is Everywhere however with a few changes the concept of the Google Earth lesson plan can be adapted for any contemporary novel. The purpose of this lesson was to create a more knowledgeable relationship between the reader and the material of their contemporary work, to allow them to see the geographical distance between themselves and the content of the novel. I chose The Sky is Everywhere for a lesson more directed at literary devices used in fiction and to address the issue of grief and grieving. Of course during class there were other Google Earth lessons that were designed to tackle books such as The Hunger Games and The Things They Carried which demonstrates the variety of content this lesson could apply to.

 The first step was to have students identify a series of points on the map. For the purpose of my lesson I identified five points. The points were as follows: Lennie (the main character), Characters, For Starters,Jandy Nelson (the author), and The Sky is Everywhere.The link below should bring you directly to the lesson! I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


To make this website an effective tool for sharing lessons that anyone can access it is imperative I gather lessons from more than the recesses of my own mind.

Anyone who feels so inclined to share their lesson plans should email:

Obviously, you will be given credit for your creation, and I'd like to thank you in advance for helping me to develop and expand upon this idea.